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About This Tribe

We are looking for tribemates to fill up 1-2 more spots for Offcial ------> Small Tribes <------ 6mans for genessis and for now which means we play until genessis comes out than go to genessis when it does come out on janaury, im looking for 1200+ hours (experienced not just AFK hours that are active) for taking over a genesiss server. Including to-do list and everything. Active discord server with open voice chat 24/7, looking to make some great memories as a tribe, get big and have fun. Tell us everything we need to know and we will be quick to respond. (playtime, active time, region, in tribe experince etc.) wanting serious players who want to get big, have some fun on pvp, farm, breed and help out in general, who have all the dlcs. hit me up AmitSayWhat#8776


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