Community Crunch 46 & ARK Digest 30!
- By Jen
Hello Survivors!
Welcome to Community Crunch 46! The Crunch is a weekly topic that consist of content to share, made by the community, for the community! As well as any little changes we want to make survivors aware about, which happen within our community.
To start off, I have a bit of news to share that I know many of you are eager to hear more information about.
Map Biome Changes!
Hey guys,
Jat here! Just over-taking Jens post with some further information:
So this is the updated map which will have the upcoming Biome changes.
The expected release is May the 30th!
If there are any more changes to come, due to technical reasons or otherwise - we will immediately let you know. However these are the changes and we're confident we'll be able to make them.
The Old Snow Biome has received some changes, the extent of which is difficulty to quantify, it is closer to a touch-up as opposed to a re-do. There is a chance this could effect bases in that location, which is why we wanted to include it on the map to give you guys the option as to whether to relocate or not, however it is also likely that they are not significant enough to cause you any disruption.
The other highlighted areas, are areas of change. The swamp isn't being made into a tiny small piece, it is still rather large - it's just a far majority of it will be unaffected by this map change, which is why it is not highlighted on the map - however the areas that are highlighted, will change.
We try to avoid making drastic map changes as we know it can be unsettling for players to have to be concerned about relocating their base, however sometimes we have to go ahead and make those changes for the development of the game. We apologize if this does cause any inconvenience and we really hope you enjoy the upcoming biome changes
Small Key:
Blue area == Changes occurring in this area are to highlight the new Snow Biome. The previous biome will receive a touch-up / some alterations and adjustments which may effect your base. So there are some slight landscape/terrain changes made throughout the biome.
Orange area == This is the new Redwood biome. It will be replacing the previous existing Jungle/Mountain area that was here before.
Green area == This is the swamp biome that will turn into Redwood. The rest of the swamp will be fine.
Hope that clears some stuff up!
Digest Q&A!
We're combining this weeks Crunch with ARK Digest 30. Here is a question and answer session with Lead Designer, Lead Programmer, and Co-Creative Director: Jeremy "Drake" Stieglitz!
Survivor, Neizan asks, “Can you tell us more about: Tribe Member Rankings with Customizable Per-Rank Privileges?”
QuoteWe have a handy guide to Tribe Member Ranks right here!
Survivor, TheBohrokKiller asks, “Will the Spino and Baryonyx prefer fish meat/prime fish meat over regular meat/prime meat?”
QuoteJeremy: They will, when the Baryonyx releases!
Survivor, PhilinDeblanc asks, “Will my character ever grow facial hair? Maybe implement a set razors that you can use to shave/style it. It would be a great trick to play on my tribe mates while they're offline.”
QuoteJeremy: We do plan customizable hairstyles quite soon, along with a haircut item to change them. They won’t dynamically grow, however a mod could add that easily enough using the upcoming persistent buff system...
Survivor, PrimeEvil asks, “Do you still expect to launch the game in June?
QuoteJeremy: Due to our increased feature and content goals (over 100+ dinos up from launch of 70, and more Mod and Design systems), full launch has been moved to the Holiday Seasons in order to meet all of our development goals and achieve simultaneous release on all platforms. ARK will get an increasing pace of updates going forward, however, as we drive hard towards that.
Survivor, Moonagi asks, “Will there ever be a dinosaur breeding stat? For instance when having dinosaur farms and my dinosaurs level up I could put points into a stat for faster egg laying? Maybe even make fertile eggs hatch faster if you have a high mating stated dinosaur mother/father?”
QuoteJeremy: Hmm will consider a Breeding Stat -- it could definitely be a useful thing if you wanted to raise creatures especially for procreation...
Survivor, Syrade asks, “We haven't heard anything about the procedural generation of ARK yet how is that coming along?”
QuoteJeremy: It’s about to get a major kick in the pants and you’ll hear more about it quite soon. It should revolutionize ARK (as an option).
Survivor, FaneBlackwing asks, “Coffee. Yay, or nay?”
QuoteJeremy: Yes, I’d love some, why thank you! In all seriousness, that sounds like a fun thing to add, will think on it.
Survivor, DahDerpasaur asks, “PC split screen is still confirmed right?”
QuoteJeremy: Yep, it will be reverse-merged up from the console version, along with gamepad support, in the relatively near future.
Survivor, Paralker2121 asks, “How big will the Baryonyx be in comparison to a carno or a tyrannosaurus?”
QuoteJeremy: Smaller than a Carno, bigger than a Parasaur.
Survivor, tomb asks, “I would love to be able to be able to set my flowers and turrets to only target wild creatures. I know a lot of people don't think this is a very needed setting. But I mostly play on RP servers and I like to have players visiting me. But I do also like to protect my tames from wild argents. So any chance we can get a "Only Target Wild" for Plant Species X and Auto turrets?”
QuoteJeremy: Sure, we’ll add that.
Survivor, OnePotatoChip asks, “Will Primitive servers ever be able to make use of Element?”
QuoteJeremy: Yes, Element has some primitive functions as well, not only for Tek Tier stuff.
Survivor, Brobattington the Undying asks, “Can we please get a wall-mounted Coelacanth to put in our bases?”
QuoteJeremy: Hmmm sounds like fun.
Survivor, KingOfBronzodia asks, “Are corals going to be harvestable some day...? they could used like underwater berries for taming sea creatures or recipies.”
QuoteJeremy: There will be more underwater harvestables, but not coral exactly.
Survivor, FaneBlackwing asks, “Would it be possible to add a server option that allows server owners to customize what drops in loot crates? I think this would be a really great addition that could make RP servers even more interesting with them having 'themed' loot crates.”
QuoteJeremy: Yes we’ll add that in the next Major Version, along with a server option to override the Crafting/Repair Costs of any particular Item.
Survivor, ItsRedMark says, “It would be awesome if in the ocean, there was a sunken obelisk, covered in kelp, the tip pointing out of the surface, with a podium to summon an ocean boss”
QuoteJeremy: Aye aye captain, that would certainly be awesome!
Survivor, mizz asks, “Will gigantosarus be able to bite through trees like rexes please please pleease?”
QuoteJeremy: Wow yeah it really ought to do that. Will fix!
Survivor, MasterHolister asks, “With the Center map coming to Xbox, for those of us with a Non-Official Dedicated Server, will there be an option to save data for the island, but still start a new world on the Center?”
QuoteJeremy: The Center uses its own save data, and yes there will be separate options to Reset the Save Data for each individual map!
Fan Feature!
HOSTILE - Ark Moon Survival Cinematic by ThickFreedom
I love you you tame me... by Grande
Ark fangirl by Albina Diamond
My OC allosaur Earl by Kamunyak's Artwork
The King is Dead. Long Live the King! by Freeflier181
Classical Ark Dinos By Okim
Introducing my Cletoxyrhina! by Tasfariel
Introducing the Blattoptera by FantasticGuy123
Giant Crab Dossier
Tapejara Dossier (Fan-made) by FantasticGuy123
Primal Stego by Sharkcat
Blue Camo Mosa by Sharkcat
Warpaint by Okim
1980's Retro ARK by GamerPerfection
Pimp My Dino 2.0 by Papukaijah
Indominus Rex Fan art by KiNGs
The Mill by NUKE1985
Castle Courtyard by NUKE1985
Community Contests!
This is an award given to Survivors to celebrate the amazing structures you build. These bases are judged based upon a number of different factors such as their creativity, uniqueness, how fun of a base it is, the difficulty of building it, the functionality it provides and much more!
The ARKitect for Community Crunch 46 is..
Ark Quidditch
With their massive replica of the Quidditch pitch from Harry Potter! I would definintely like to play a game of this in ARK. See additional screenshots here:
This is an award given to survivors who have created beautiful work of art for that week! As always, the artwork is not being judged on the quality of the screenshot or the graphical settings used, but instead what you have managed to draw and produce in game.
The ARKArtist for Community Crunch 46 is…
Industries of IOARK
With their set of paintings dedicated to the Dodo and the Dunkleosteus!
Thank you for all the entries this week guys! Congratulations to all our winners and if you’d like to take a look at what all the survivors submitted, you can do so here:
Workshop Spotlight!
This week we take a look with Cedric at the ARK: Moon Survival Total Conversion in a video review:
Primitive+ Developers Blog!
Greetings Survivors!
Cedric here again. A lot has been happening in the world of Primitive+ in the past week. I received a lot of feedback about having one of the official servers converted to a server running The Center with custom rates. It seems like it’s something the fans want; and what the fans want, they get Server 1 will be converted to The Center and Primitive+ with custom rates. The rates that will be used aren’t set in stone so feel free to chime in on what you think is a good balance of fun but still feels like surviving.
The content for Primitive+ 1.4 is pretty massive. I’ve introduced fishing in the form of setting traps. Now you can make fish bait out of poultry and place fishing traps in the ocean to catch the bounty of the sea. Be aware, just like normal fishing you never know when something is going to bite. So keep checking back! To go along with the fishing traps, I’ve introduced a fishing-styled boat to accompany it.
For all the PVP’ers out there, I’m beginning to introduce more weaponry and methods of defending your bases. First in the line is the longbow. It has much more damage, is more accurate, and will fire at faster speeds than a crossbow or normal bow. The tradeoff is that you’ll need beeswax and leather to craft this mighty bow. In the future, don't be surprised to see a more primitive catapult and trebuchet!
For all the RP’ers out there, I’ve created some market stalls for you to make shop with. The market stalls and the crates that can be placed on them can all be picked up. I’m hoping to see some really cool marketplaces soon!
Along with the new content, I will always be improving the art and models that go into the mod. A lot of things that are added are temporary placeholders until I get more time to refine them. The water tower made it into the remodel list this week
Last but not least I’d like to thank Itsr2ghgaming for his help in reaching out to the community and trying to help keep me organized in an effort to bring you the best Primitive+ ever! I’ll be looking to do weekly content drops up until July to get ready for Xbox. Get ready for some fun…. And bugs
And with that concludes this week’s Crunch!
If you’ve got anything to share with us please get in touch, we’d love to see your creations. Be sure to follow us on Twitter at @survivetheark - Facebook at and Reddit at
Thanks everyone, see you again soon!
Much love,
Wildcard Jen and the ARK Survival Evolved Team
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