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  • Community Crunch 391: Seasons Greetings and Happy Holidays!


    From the launch of ARK Survival Evolved back in 2015 to the reimagined world of ARK Survival Ascended in 2023, it has always been your passion as a community that has fuels our ambition and ignites our hearts. Your feedback has guided our taming hand, your creativity has inspired our wildest designs, and your love of ARK has been the foundational bedrock upon which we've built a community brimming with prehistoric wonder.

    Now that we’ve taken these first steps into the brave new future for ARK, we look to the next phase of your adventures. While we take a brief respite to sharpen our tools and replenish our dino-sized thirst for innovation, a treasure-trove of fresh content awaits your return. The new year promises your favorite maps reborn, beloved creatures old and new reimagined, and gameplay updates & additions that will make even the most seasoned explorer feel like a naked beach-Bob once more.

    May your feasts be bountiful, your tames loyal, and your raids victorious this holiday season. May the warmth of the Winter Wonderland ignite joy in your hearts, and the spirit of survival burn bright into the New Year for each and every one of you.
    From the bottom of our Wildcard hearts, Happy Holidays, Survivors! 

    With love and dino-sized hugs,

    The Studio Wildcard Team


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    🌲 ASA_WWislive.png 🌲




    Deck the halls with boughs of holly! Winter Wonderland is making a triumphant return with new presents and goodies for ARK survivors. The epic winter-themed holiday event is live until January 7, 2024 on Official Servers.

    RaptorClaus will be sailing across the star-filled night sky in his sleigh, dropping off presents filled with high-end loot as well as Mistletoe, and Coal for those naughty Survivors.  You'll be able to catch RaptorClaus flying across the skies at midnight (game time) on all maps.

    For full details, check out this post!






    Download & play new custom content created by players, including new maps, creatures, items, and game modes, through a dedicated new Mod-bowser directly within the game. Enjoy an endless stream of new ARK content as the creativity and talent of the community is fully unleashed for the first time across gaming platforms and stay tuned as we spotlight more Cross-Platform Mods each week!

    This video features:






    ARK: Survival of the Fittest is live for crossplay on PC, Xbox and PlayStation!

    Re-evolved from the ground up with redesigned mechanics! ARK: The Survival of the Fittest pits up to 60 combatants against each other in a fast-paced, action-packed struggle for survival, where players are ultimately pushed into an epic final showdown leading their Dinosaur Armies into battle.

    If you're unfamiliar with SOTF check out our older trailer from ASE to get an idea of the game mode. The trailer may contain outdated features but it should give you an idea of what the game mode is all about!







    ARKpocalypse servers have been wiped today!

    What are ARKpocalypse?

    • ARKpocalypse are monthly-wipe servers with higher than usual rates.

    Next wipe: January 19th 2024

    You can join them by searching in the server browser! Happy Surviving!




    Fan Art Gallery | Screenshot Gallery | Artist Feedback Form

    Help us discover your talent by tagging your art with #ARKPhotoMode or #ARKFanart on social media!



    Creator: KingDaddyDMAC

    KingDaddyDMAC learns how to tame the flames of an ultimate Wyvern's inferno. He also tames and breeds Doedicurus!


    Creator: Old Gamerz Never Die

    Follow this step by step guide to creating this compact PVE mobile base that has a nasty surprise for any of those murder whales that come your way! This build uses no mods, official structure collision and build limits.



    You don’t have to be alone anymore by @TekARK_01



    I’ll give my owner a present too ♪ by @rianeko_mabi



    Rockwell in a Krampus costume by @StudiosGoji



    cake eating cake by @falco_luna



    RaptorClaus is coming! by @k_ark_C



    TheCenter by BonnieFoxxx



    Restauration by Nalak-Bel




    I'll miss you (but only a little) by @EgoSilentium



    Can You Escape? by @AngelicVix3n



    They’re calling for help… by @Cthulh0opsVP



    My water pen home by dinodaprince



    Make sure to tell the kids some of your stories of survival! by @GPxGP



    Enjoy your weekend!
    Studio Wildcard

    Twitter: twitter.com/survivetheark
    Discord: discord.com/invite/playark
    Reddit: reddit.com/r/playark
    Instagram: instagram.com/survivetheark
    Twitch: twitch.tv/survivetheark
    Steam: steamcommunity.com/app/346110
    Youtube: youtube.com/survivetheark
    Facebook: facebook.com/survivetheark
    Threads: threads.net/@survivetheark
    Official Wiki: ark.wiki.gg

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    Happy Holidays everyone!

    That water pen is awesome. 

    Edited by Joebl0w13
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    Happy holidays everyone :)
    Hopefully in 2024 we resume the creature submissions, I miss seeing all the great ideas coming from the community.

    PS : the screenshot of the campfire stories has to be my favorite in weeks. Well done, GP !

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    Thank you for making the best story driven sci fi game which is ASA

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    No better Xmas gift than nerfing and changing everything to appease the PVP players at the expense of the PVE community.

    Rhynio armor = nerfed
    Rhynio weight = nerfed
    Rhynio carry = nerfed
    Rhynio stamina = nerfed
    Rhynio health = nerfed
    Console commands to improve computer performance and game breaking visual glitches = nerfed
    Harvesting = nerfed  (reducing the number of nodes you can hit at once IS a reducing the amount you can harvest, no matter which way you try to spin the language)
    Cryo fridges on platforms = nerfed
    Render distance = nerfed (then lied about, then admitted it, then went back to lying about it)
    Non-nitrado server list = nerfed

    That's just in the last month, and I left a bunch out..
    so what will you guys take from us next to appease the PVP players who get owned and then blame the game for their lack of skill?

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    Please don't forget what anniversary we are celebrating during Winter Holiday.
    So then.. Merry Christmas!


    Edited by slejo
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    So how about you actually make the game playable for those of us on single player games? This save bug is ridiculous and it's been unplayable for a month

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    Merry Christmas to you, ARK players (and Wildcard I suppose...) Not much here. I'm looking forward to creature votes at the start of 2024, I guess.

    Crunch Rank... 4/10

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    Just add a setting to make the cryos usable outside of the horrendous fridge radius on PvE and Singleplayer. Why do we have to suffer from such a garbage decision? You took one of the best items from ASE and brought it to ASA but you listened to the PvP cry-hards and made them virtually unusable for anyone. 

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    Please add transfers to arkpocalypse or at least make an annoucement about the wipe so that they can et pop.

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    I don't think it was a good idea to make this WW event competitive, especially on PvE. Like, why are we competing in a race to get to drops from Raptorclaus first? It'd be alright, if everyone attending a drop got their own loot!

    This has been my first experience playing this event (I never played it on ASE) and I was genuinely excited to experience it, but upon learning that it is basically a 'whoever grabs it first, wins', like your standard drops and seeing the individual material cost for the event items, I pretty much lost all interest.

    Completely missed the point of the holiday; people totally fight amongst themselves for gifts under the tree(!)

    The only interesting thing about this event, is the mechanic in order to get the Krampus Skin and the skin itself - that's literally it.

    My recommendations? Let everybody get their own loot from drops. Make it a community celebration thing open to all, not just a competitive race amongst flyers.

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    Please, guys, work your magic and give us hardcore server this Christmas! 
    It will be the best present for many of us!

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    Herzliche Grüße und frohe Feiertage auch von gesammeten ARK2|de-Team


    Übersetzung ins Deutsche





    Best wishes and happy holidays from the entire ARK2|en team

    Translation into German


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    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays everyone! Whatever you do make sure to enjoy yourselves.

    P.S. I got featured! 🧡

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    5 hours ago, DemonElite said:

    Just add a setting to make the cryos usable outside of the horrendous fridge radius on PvE and Singleplayer. Why do we have to suffer from such a garbage decision? You took one of the best items from ASE and brought it to ASA but you listened to the PvP cry-hards and made them virtually unusable for anyone. 

    That's what wc's done since forever. Now me personally; I don't like cryopods and don't use them, because I don't like or use anything tek tier in Ark cause I don't want a sci fi game when I'm playing dinosaurs. BUT; this terrible kinds of decision making is what wc's done since always. They disabled speed on flyers in A.S.E. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They disabled flyers being able to fly in caves in A.S.E. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They increased damage dealt to structures in caves. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They've disabled speed entirely now on A.S.A. (Cause people in pvp whined about it) They disabled the ability to force-feed knocked out players to keep them from dying and respawning. (Cause people in pvp whinned about it.) And tons of other decisions; including the Giga nerfs and now the Rhynio nerfs. For some of this from a server stability standpoint, I kinda understand. But, wc has always introduced cool new things into their Ark game, and then either taken them away or nerfed them to the point where they aren't immersive anymore or are just plain terrible; because someone in the pvp area of the game complained that it was too difficult to deal with. Well, isn't that the point of a "Survival Game"? To overcome the difficulties through determination and creative means? I mean, they introduced Alpha Creatures because people said the game wasn't challenging enough anymore; and then they nerfed Alpha Creatures to the point where they may as well not even exist anymore because people said they were too hard. Sure, no-one wants to get knocked out in pvp and caged and force-fed so that you can't escape. But, what happens in real life when you are captured by the enemy? It was immersive and entertaining and created great stories even if you were the one that someone captured. That was the point! Gigas were big scary murderous bulldozers. That was the point! But wc always waters down their game till I start to ask myself; what's the point?

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    Wesołych świąt dla wszystkich. Dziękujemy za najlepszy survival z dinozaurami. Stworzyliście świetna grę naprawdę. I życzyłbym sobie i wszystkim gracza na ten nowy rok dużo nowych stworzeń i prosiłbym aby wszystkie dino dostały nowe animacje na nowym silniku unreal engine 5. Tego gra potrzebuje w nowym roku👍

    Edited by Rex4646

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    Hey wildcard or anyone who might know. Is there a reason why tickets are only allowed to be placed to report a tribe or appeal a ban?

    recently got arked on official PvE where we beat alpha overseer but it didnt give me the ascension implant or increase my level cap and i tried placing a ticket about it but was restricted to the two options previously mentioned. Is there a different place to submit tickets for PvE related topics or am i just to be left to fix it by myself?

    (Btw it happened on gamma too and both times everyone else except me got it so just beating it again isnt really an option)

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    Happy Christmas all. Just lost days and days of game play on single player. logged in and no save was present, have to start all again. so great job on this unplayable game which I love/ loved 


    Edited by Ljwebb
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    Merry Christmas everyone!

    There is also a great wish for WildCard.
    Please remove restrictions from cryopods in PVE. This is completely pointless and only causes irritation and disappointment. You still haven't solved the problem with spamming pillars all over the map. And now it has become even worse, since cryo-refrigerator spam has been added.

    Edited by sk1ff
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    13 hours ago, FlorianWind9 said:

    That's what wc's done since forever. Now me personally; I don't like cryopods and don't use them, because I don't like or use anything tek tier in Ark cause I don't want a sci fi game when I'm playing dinosaurs. BUT; this terrible kinds of decision making is what wc's done since always. They disabled speed on flyers in A.S.E. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They disabled flyers being able to fly in caves in A.S.E. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They increased damage dealt to structures in caves. (Cause people in pvp were whining about it.) They've disabled speed entirely now on A.S.A. (Cause people in pvp whined about it) They disabled the ability to force-feed knocked out players to keep them from dying and respawning. (Cause people in pvp whinned about it.) And tons of other decisions; including the Giga nerfs and now the Rhynio nerfs. For some of this from a server stability standpoint, I kinda understand. But, wc has always introduced cool new things into their Ark game, and then either taken them away or nerfed them to the point where they aren't immersive anymore or are just plain terrible; because someone in the pvp area of the game complained that it was too difficult to deal with. Well, isn't that the point of a "Survival Game"? To overcome the difficulties through determination and creative means? I mean, they introduced Alpha Creatures because people said the game wasn't challenging enough anymore; and then they nerfed Alpha Creatures to the point where they may as well not even exist anymore because people said they were too hard. Sure, no-one wants to get knocked out in pvp and caged and force-fed so that you can't escape. But, what happens in real life when you are captured by the enemy? It was immersive and entertaining and created great stories even if you were the one that someone captured. That was the point! Gigas were big scary murderous bulldozers. That was the point! But wc always waters down their game till I start to ask myself; what's the point?

    You do know that thing in your arm is an implant that tracks ever thing you do because the whole game is a sci-fi….go follow the story of ark and you will realize you shouldn’t play at all if you don’t want to play a sci-fi game 🤦‍♂️

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    27 minutes ago, Anne said:

    You do know that thing in your arm is an implant that tracks ever thing you do because the whole game is a sci-fi….go follow the story of ark and you will realize you shouldn’t play at all if you don’t want to play a sci-fi game 🤦‍♂️

    And this specific sci-fi thing came about in dedicated sci-fi themed much later DLC.   Even then it was OP to bring a pokeball into the game when the intent of it was supposed to be server saving dino storage and not replace the risky tame travel (even PVE) that every map is designed for but like all features WC did not think it through.   So in hindsight WC had every right to pull it back to the intended intent to save the servers even though it is a concession since it was never in The Island map itself and belongs to a DLC map - so it is not possible for the non existence or the server saving only version of the pokeball to be a nerf to the Island itself when it never existed in the first place.    The intent of repeating the DLC cycle in the remasters is to play each map with the tech that map had, and the original ark island did not have all the sci-fi engrams, it stopped at modern engrams leaving sci-fi as a mysterious backstory and foreshadowing of future DLC.   But ASE was playable as a truly primitive only game even then because they had the official mod just for that purpose.

    Edited by yarnevk
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    4 hours ago, Anne said:

    You do know that thing in your arm is an implant that tracks ever thing you do because the whole game is a sci-fi….go follow the story of ark and you will realize you shouldn’t play at all if you don’t want to play a sci-fi game 🤦‍♂️

    This comment was about something completely different, but the only thing you hear about is a sci-fi game. This is weird.

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    8 hours ago, Anne said:

    You do know that thing in your arm is an implant that tracks ever thing you do because the whole game is a sci-fi….go follow the story of ark and you will realize you shouldn’t play at all if you don’t want to play a sci-fi game 🤦‍♂️

    Right; but when Ark was first released into early access it was described as and marketed as a primitive dinosaur lost island survival game. There was no tek tier stuff in the game at the start. When I first started playing, there wasn't even riot gear level equipment. The only thing "sci-fi" about the game was the implant in your left wrist, the supply drops, and the mysterious obelisks; all things of which could have gone a number of ways. More importantly though, is that it's a sandbox experience; meaning that you don't have to engage with every aspect of it if you don't want to. The main reason why I even still care about Ark at all these days, is because there is no other game that I know about on Steam that can give me the same kind of primitive dinosaur survival experience. (No, Athos doesn't count.) You are correct in that I've never really gravitated towards any of the tek stuff in the game, or the boss fights, or the story for that matter. (Although I do think the story is kindof cool.) What I like most about playing Ark is doing chores on my nice, peaceful, dinosaur ranch in single player Ragnarok. All that said, my earlier comment wasn't about my personal Ark playstyle; it was about the history of wc's ridiculously terrible decision making. 

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