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  • Welcome to ARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition!

    Hey Survivors!

    The wait is finally over, welcome to ARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition. We’re excited to welcome you to a new Free-to-Play experience on Android and iOS with access to everything that the ARK franchise has to offer. The game is downloadable now from the App Store or Google Play Store, and is coming in 2025 to the Epic Games Store. We’ve put together this guide to give you an overview of everything to expect.


    ARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition is the same ARK experience that you know and love from PC and consoles. Our game brings all of your favorite expansion packs, dinosaurs and boss battles to mobile devices for the first time.


    Unlike PC and Console, ARK is Free-to-Play on mobile devices. All players gain access to The Island for free where all gameplay is unlocked without spending a dime. For players looking to expand on their ARK experience, we have additional purchases available;


    ARK Pass is the ultimate way to experience ARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition. With monthly & annual subscription offerings, ARK Pass grants access to everything that ARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition has to offer. That includes:

    • Access to every expansion pack as they are released
    • God Console in Single Player
    • Monthly drop of free Keys
    • 10% bonus on all Keys purchases
    • Permanent Double XP in all game modes
    • Special designation in Multiplayer chat
    • Access to exclusive servers
    • Two weeks’ early access to new game content


    Keys are a new virtual currency within ARK: Ultimate Mobile Edition which give you the ability to “hack” different parts of your gameplay. The daily login bonus provides free Keys for all players, and additional Keys can be obtained with ARK Pass, purchased in packs from the store, or found in Supply Drops. Keys may be used in the following ways:

    • Crafting
    • Taming
    • Supply Drops
    • Baby Raising
    • Weight Limits
    • Instant Hatch
    • Cryo Capture

    Keys are tied to your online account and the balance is shared across servers.


    Scorched Earth and Aberration are available on launch day. For those who do not subscribe to ARK Pass, these maps can be purchased individually. 

    Extinction, Ragnarok, Genesis Part 1 and Genesis Part 2 will all be released in 2025. 


    God Console is a unique interface for Single Player that allows you to spawn in resources, easily access popular cheats, and gain full access to console commands. God Console is included with your ARK Pass subscription or can be purchased individually.


    Our 50-player launch servers will be rolling out in waves beginning at 2pm EST on Dec 18th. We will be offering servers in North America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania (Australia / New Zealand) with the following configurations. Make use of our in-game server filters to find the server that's right for you!

    • The Island PvE
    • The Island PvE (ARK Pass Only)
    • The Island PvP
    • The Island PvP (ARK Pass Only)
    • The Island PvP - Small Tribes (ARK Pass Early Access)
    • Scorched Earth PvE
    • Scorched Earth PvE (ARK Pass Only)
    • Scorched Earth PvP
    • Scorched Earth PvP (ARK Pass Only)
    • Scorched Earth PvP - Small Tribes (ARK Pass Early Access)
    • Aberration PvE
    • Aberration PvE (ARK Pass Only)
    • Aberration PvP
    • Aberration PvP (ARK Pass Only)
    • Aberration PvP - Small Tribes (ARK Pass Early Access)

    *ARK Pass Only servers use original crafting requirements and no Keys cost for Cryopod usage. These servers operate on their own cluster in regard to server transfers.

    *ARK Pass Early Access servers are exclusive to pass holders for the first two weeks, then opened up to all players


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    On 18/12/2024 at 19:51, GroveStreetJordan said:

    Use o botão Restaurar compras no menu Opções

    Como faz isso?

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    Tengo comprado el pass pero no me deja jugar como si no lo tuviera 

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    Amigos compré el ark pass desde que salió el juego, y hace un momento me saco del juego y al entrar nuevamente me  aparece que ya no lo tengo, saben que pasa.

    Espero algún tipo de respuesta gracias 

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    Mahlzeit zusammen ich weiß zwar nicht ob das hier richtig ist aber ich wollte ein paar Fehler bzw Anzeige Fehler melden.

    Wenn Mann Felsen oder Bäume abgebaut hat und die nach einiger Zeit respawnen wird es nicht angezeigt dort wo was war ist was unsichtbares auf einmal ist nicht immer so nur ab und an. Ab und zu ist mein Display für 0.1 sec verbuggt und danach wieder normal ist leider wie schon gesagt extrem kurz aber das ist etwas häufiger. Sonst habt ihr das Spiel echt gut umgesetzt viel besser als das alte ark von mobile was früher war.

    Weiter so 😉 😃 

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    could we get our server we paid for fixed? Or at least just turn off Alpha’s if it’s gonna be an issue like this.

    is unplayable as they wipe out all other dinos along with trees, found out after I paid as you had to pay to join the server early.

    It’s unplayable as there are alphas every 15 feet making it impossible to do any real content.

    Edited by CableStrandy
    Alpha can be seen at all times

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    1 hour ago, CableStrandy said:

    Are the servers currently down?

    Glad to so its not only me :D

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    So what, snapdragon 8 gen 2 isnt enough to qualify on the google play store?

    All the ayn odin 2’s should be able to smash this game out, whitelist please!

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    Why I can Update my game now.???

    The update launch but in game doesn't work

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    I found a bug on several devices, "interface / HUD" makes lag, I don't know if there is an error or not but when I activate the HIDE HUD feature, my game feels smoother and there is no lag at all, I think there is an error in the HUD interface,i hope can fix it ASAP

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    Porfavor pueden hacer que ark cora en mi motorola moto g04 

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    Новый арк просто топ , но как было с первым мобильным арком в игре присутствуют характерные мерцания притом что я играю на высоких настройках графики , да и я как то читал коменты , вы писали что новый арк будит работать на Андроиде от 8 до 9, но у меня андроид 12 и игра без проблем работает , но вот мерцания в игре и небольшая дымка слишком влияют на яркость из-за чего солнце сильно слепит , хотя солнечные лучи сделаны просто суперски 👍 хотя как я и писал ранее игра мне понравилась больше , чем первый арк , первый арк был больше бонусником , и был слишком лёгким , из-за некоторых дополнений в игре которые давали больше ресурса, крафта и т.д., но в новом арке , чтобы добыть ресурсы нужно поработать , да и дино теперь не так просто сохранить, и приручить 🙂 что мне очень нравится чем сложнее тем интереснее игра , потому я и передвинул ползунок на максимальную сложность 🙂 уважаемые разработчики арк мобаил пожалуйста исправьте мерцания и сделайте графику чётче , а то из-за мерцания и мыльной графики уменьшается поле зрения и высокие настройки графики не сильно спасают 


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    请调整 Android 屏幕的分辨率和屏幕比例。分辨率真的伤了你的眼睛

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    I believe the previous interface was much better. I am too used to that and keep sliding to change weapons which makes me destroy my structures by mistake. Also we are able to hurt our dinos and structures unlike the previous version which I don't like as misclick happens much easily in mobile. Also it is difficult to understand how to change the max level of wild dinos. I know it is related to difficulty level but, what is the exact formula is not known. This should be made clear

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    Nabend zusammen

    Ich spiele nur im Einzelspielermodus, da ich online nur schlechte Erfahrungen gemacht habe.

    Heute war ein Ingame-Update und seit dem ist es so, wenn Mann etwas länger läuft, habe ich denn Lauf Ton, obwohl ich schon stehe es sind zwar nur 3 Sekunden Tonverzögerung ist aber nicht so schlimm.wenn Mann jetzt auf die Insel oder die Andere Karten wählt kann Mann auf der linken Seite nicht mehr bis nach unten scrollen desweiteren ist mir aufgefallen, dass einige Einstellungen nicht gespeichert bleiben, sobald bei der Kartenauswahl Kreuz und absteigen vom Mount per Taste oder wie das heißt das bleibt nicht gespeichert.

    Der Rest was neu Dazukamm ist gut weiter so😉 😃 

    Edited by Eiskaffee

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    Man this time game is so poorly optimised unlike previous version of the mobile ver. Before I used to play at max settings and never had a single lag on survival evolved or ver 2.0. Now it's just very badly optimised. I mean if it was working just fine previously how did you guy messed it up in the newer version isn't it supposed to be an upgrade? 

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    Tengo un Poco X6 Pro tiene 512 GB de espacio, 12 GB de RAM y un CPU Dimensity 8300 ultra dónde me corre perfe tamente el Warzone Mobile, por qué me aparece que mi Mobil no es compatible? Sacarán alguna actualización para ello?

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    6 hours ago, trex96 said:

    Man this time game is so poorly optimised unlike previous version of the mobile ver. Before I used to play at max settings and never had a single lag on survival evolved or ver 2.0. Now it's just very badly optimised. I mean if it was working just fine previously how did you guy messed it up in the newer version isn't it supposed to be an upgrade? 

    For me its working fine, the previous version was build on vulcan, meaning it was stuck in a old android version that barely any device could still use, the new version allows a much wider ranger of devices to play the game ( even if your device isn't 'supported' via the google play store you can still download the apk and install it manually) so yhea making a new version with new mechanics isn't an upgrade its a whole new game. yes they have expirience tough it will take some time, dont forget old ark was running for some time so they had alot of time while the game was live to do improvements. the game is only live for a few days.

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    I am trying to play single player mode on my iPad 10 I easily downloaded and can log on but it keeps crashing after a minute or two and returns me back to the start no experience received. I paid for the pass but can’t play at all. Where can I reach someone who can actually address these problems?  I realize new releases sometimes have bugs to resolve but even the bug report section of this site isn’t working properly 

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    I already played on my poco x6 pro (with mali gpu), and it's run very well without problem. Please make it available in play store so i can play legally and buy other maps

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    54 minutes ago, nikogt said:

    I already played on my poco x6 pro (with mali gpu), and it's run very well without problem. Please make it available in play store so i can play legally and buy other maps

    You can always download the APK even if you can't diectly download the game in the play store due to unsupported device

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    When entering Single Player / Island / Options:
      I can't see the functions at the bottom, the bar doesn't move, it doesn't work. That happened in the update on December 20, when game pass features were placed


    Edited by ulisesparia

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    The game keeps crashing every minute. I hope this is resolved quickly.

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