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    Blitz Week returns to ARK Mobile on Tuesday, March 17th. Each day of the week features a different previously released Dungeon, all with 2x Eery Element rewards, passive Eery Equus spawns, and twice the chance of encountering Noctis when teleported to the Boss Arena. All of this comes with a reduced Dungeon timer, so make haste!


    • In Multiplayer, players can access each Dungeon on the day that it is featured with the standard free entry.
    • In Single Player, players can access all 7 Dungeons for the entire week. The standard free entry will apply on the day a Dungeon is featured, and a higher entry fee will be applied on all non-featured days.


    • All Dungeons will have their timers reduced by half to just 15 minutes. You must complete them with haste.
    • You will be twice as likely to encounter Noctis.
    • Eery Element rewards are doubled to 20 in Multiplayer and 40 in Single Player.
    • There is a chance of finding an Eerie Equus roaming the halls of each Dungeon.


    Tuesday, March 17th: Hidden Tomb of the Coleoptera
    Features: TEK Foundation, TEK Replicator, TEK Generator, Journeyman Tapejara TEK Saddle (low-chance)

    Wednesday, March 18th: Corrupted Lair of the Thief
    Features: TEK Implant Chamber, TEK Kibble Processor, TEK Rifle, Journeyman Megalodon TEK Saddle (low-chance)

    Thursday, March 19th: The Restless Heart
    Features: TEK Trough, TEK Light, TEK Chestpiece, Journeyman Tapejara TEK Saddle (low-chance)

    Friday, March 20th: Drowning Lair of the Father
    Features: TEK Sleeping Pod, TEK Wall, TEK Ceiling, Journeyman TEK Helmet (low-chance)

    Saturday, March 21st: Pit of Opulence
    Features: TEK Gauntlets, TEK Boots, TEK Ramp, Journeyman Rex TEK Saddle (low-chance)

    Sunday, March 22nd: Smoldering Moors of the Forsaken
    Features: TEK Fence Foundation, TEK Windowframe, TEK Window, Journeyman TEK Leggings (low-chance)

    Monday, March 23rd: Neglected Caverns of the Crow
    Features: TEK Staircase, TEK Grenadde, TEK Teleporter, Journeyman Mosasaur TEK Saddle (low-chance)

    *All featured Dungeons begin at 12:00pm Eastern Time, and end at 11:00am Eastern Time the following day.
    **Community-made maps and further information on each Dungeon can be found here.


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    dungeons friend, u could prob mutate them to be non eerie if that's part of the deal breaker but they're possible to get ;)

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    Hi. If you want to win tek helmet, then you really need to try. And I’m say not of brutal complexity, but that having survived in front of the tek box, the helmet never fell out of a 67-time reboot. And he’s not even of improved quality

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     I am new at this what happens if you die in dungeon are all your items will drop ? 

    Edited by Moutsammu

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    On 3/21/2020 at 11:44 PM, Moutsammu said:

     I am new at this what hap if you die in dungeon are all your items will drop ? 


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    Anyone else having the anz servers not show up, lastnight all my baby dinos died bc server wouldnt show on list.. so i revived and again tonight the server isnt on lost. Server is enduro anz im tired of reviving baby gigas and baby griffons due to this issue

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    Jordan can you fix the eery Argentavis it the feather not Chang color but the skin does


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    Hola buenas disculpe lo que pasa es que tengo un dispositivo huawei y la verdad me encantaría jugar en los servidores habrá alguna manera de a serlo o han pensado en lanzar alguna plataforma para huwei y le agradecería mucho si me respondieran 

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